Dr. Tracy Akner, owner of AcupunctureForYourDog.com (and Cat, too!) is a caring, compassionate New York State licensed veterinarian who practices dog acupuncture in New York, herbal and nutritional therapy. She has successfully treated many pets, maximized their health and reduced or eliminated their need for drugs with harsh side effects. Her specialty is helping patients whose chronic illnesses have not responded adequately to conventional medical treatments.
Modern Western medicine has improved the length and quality of our animal companions’ lives. Western medicine, however, often fails with stubborn long-term or recurrent illnesses such as skin, bladder, digestive, immune and arthritic conditions. In some cases conventional medical drugs, especially steroids, may improve a problem but cause serious side effects. Many people have found that the alternative treatments that have improved their own health have helped their pets as well.
In addition to acupuncture, Dr. Akner has had great success using Low Level Laser Therapy (also known as Cold Laser Therapy) on dogs and cats. For more information on this highly effective non-invasive palliative treatment go here.
For more information on canine acupuncture and other alternative medical practices, view the American Veterinary Medical Association‘s statement on acupuncture.